Paper and Textile


Fabric and paper restoration 19th Century


A very unique and interesting project that came into our studio recently was a pair of mix-media French fashion advertisements, both dating back to the 1870s. Both pieces were created by Adele-Anais Toudouze, one of the major artists for La Mode Illustree, (Fashion Illustrated), a French fashion magazine, published in Paris in the 19th century The advertisements are comprised of hand colored engravings with miniature fabric dresses adhered to the engraving. These advertisements were displayed on the walls of high end French dress shops as functional displays, much like pages from a catalogue, inspiring women to purchase the dresses being showcased. You can read more about the project here.

The Butterfly Tray


antique object display afrer conservation

Butterfly tray, restored and protected with custom display with UV filtering acrylic

For this project, our restorers and framers came together to preserve a fascinating antique butterfly-wing tray, creating a truly one-of-a-kind framed art object. Without preservation and restoration, this cherished family heirloom would almost certainly have continued to deteriorate. Instead, its former beauty is restored and the object is ready to be enjoyed for many more years to come. You can read more about this fascinating project here.

Painting and Frame


Examples of art restoration painting and frame


A painting, Portrait of Young Boy, by Enoch Seeman the Younger, and its companion Peter Lely-style picture frame were each around 250 years old before they arrived at Oliver Brothers. While both items had long histories, and interesting stories to tell, each needed a meticulous level of restoration to ensure their longevity. Please click here to read more about it.


Thank you letter from the Society of Saint John the Evangelist

Please click on the image to read the letter.

Insurance Art Claims

Dear Ms. Bishop,

Recently Oliver Brothers restored a number of precious icons which were damaged when our chapel in West Newbury caught fire.  These icons have long been in our possession and they are very precious to us both as objects of devotion and for their inherent artistic value.

On behalf of the brothers of the Society of Saint John the Evangelist I want to take this opportunity to thank you and your staff and, in particular Mr. Peter Tysver, for the exquisite work he performed in lovingly restoring our icons.  It was a joy to all of us to see the icons not only cleaned of smoke damage but brought back to a state of renewal that made it possible for us to see colors and details that we had never been able to see before.

Very truly yours,

Robert L’Espérance, SSJE

Robert L’Espérance, SSJE | Society of Saint John the Evangelist

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