The examples below represent just a small sample of the many challenging oil painting restoration projects that Oliver Brothers undertakes on a regular basis. Please visit cleaning oil paintings and damaged & torn paintings pages.

torn canvas painting before restorationPainting restoration example, torn, ripped painting reapir
Dirty oil paintingAFTER


Art repair, restoration and conservation since 1850 | Oliver BrothersArt repair, restoration and conservation since 1850 |Oliver Brothers

Abbott Lawrence by G.P.A. Healy, Private Collection, Hamilton, MA | 19th Century Painting and Frame  Before and After Restoration

Portrait of Ambassador Lawrence by G.P.A. Healy (before restoration):

George Peter Alexander Healy was one of the pre-eminent American portrait painters of the mid nineteenth century. His huge painting Webster’s Reply to Hayne hanging behind the stage at Faneuil Hall in Boston contains one hundred and thirty portraits. In this oval portrait of British Ambassador Lawrence, one can see the result of years of neglect. In addition to the heavy deposits of dirt, grime and discolored varnish, the canvas has split where it turns over the edge of the stretcher. This has resulted in very uneven tension, exacerbated by the oval shape, causing the buckling and severe distortions that can be seen. The frame is also in very poor condition, with chipping gesso, missing gold and dirt.

Portrait of Ambassador Lawrence by G.P.A. Healy (after restoration):

With comprehensive treatment of both the painting and the frame, the results are striking.

Dutch marine painting. Private Collection, Leesburg, VA.

Hermanus Koekkoek the Elder. 19th century, Oil Painting Before and After Restoration

The Elder Koekkoek was the patriarch of a Dutch family of painters, several of whom painted in a similar manner. The owner knew that this painting was by Koekkoek but did not know which Koekkoek. Using stylistic comparisons, Oliver Brothers experts were able to determine that this was the work of Hermanus Koekkoek the Elder – the most highly regarded member of the family. Oil painting restoration: The painting was cleaned of the yellowed varnish, and then revarnished with a non-yellowing acrylic varnish. Aside from some minor abrasions at the edges, the painting is in excellent condition. When it came to us, the painting was framed with an inappropriate French Impressionist style frame. This frame was replaced with a high quality, antique reproduction Dutch style frame.

Example-Dutch oil painting restoration and conservationExample-Dutch oil painting restoration and conservation

The Hunt, private collection Boston, MA

Oil painting restoration, before and after exampleOil painting restoration, before and after example

Edouard Woutermaertens. 1819–1897

Art restoration Services| Oil Painting Restoration Exapmle, painting and frame before restorationArt restoration Services| Oil Painting Restoration Exapmle, painting and frame

Anonymous 19th century portrait, Private collection Newton, MA.

Oil painting restoration, canvas conservationOil painting restoration, canvas conservation


“Oliver Brothers really have done an outstanding job in restoring this
so-dreadfully-woe-begone and damaged painting.

Again I want you to know that this painting brings me much joy, and it
elicit gasps from guests who have seen it.”

Mrs. Hess
Testemonial: outstanding job with painting restoration

“Thank you very much for the wonderful job you did cleaning an oil

painting.  It’s nice to know that there is someone with your skill who is

also so nice to work with!”

Private Client, Boston, MA
art conservation New York, testemonial

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