1960's damaged photo before digital restorationdigital photo restoration by Oliver Brothers in Boston

Digital Photo Restoration
Color Photo Restoration Example

Digital photo restoration, a great way to preserve your photos

Creating a digital record of your photographs is an excellent way to preserve them without causing any damage to the photographic prints. Through digitization, you can create an easily accessible virtual archive. While you continue to preserve the original photographs, your digital collection will be safe from light, humidity, water, and other damaging factors that can deteriorate vulnerable photos. However, as technology is not completely safe from damage, it is recommended to store at least one copy of your digital images in a separate location (a safety deposit box, relative’s home, etc.) to ensure the security of your files.

Digital copies of your old photographs can also be restored: you can have your images digitally enhanced without having to alter the originals in any way. Through digital restoration, we can improve the appearance of varying types of damage.


an old photo damaged before digital restorationdamaged pgotograph was restored
An old photo before restorationPhotos digital restoration example

Old Black and White Photos Example

BEFOREDigital photo restoration, black and white example

Missing corner was recreated

newspaper photo before digital restorationnewsprint digital restoration

Newspaper Clipping Example


Blueprint drawing; old and damagedBlueprint was digitally restored


This blueprint was created in 1954 by F. Earl De Loe, AIA Architect in Orlando, Florida.

” I here by certify that these drawings of two knives given this office by W.D. Randall, JR., who is known by me…”

If you would like to restore and preserve original photographs, documents, certificates, maps, blueprints or fine art prints you can find more information HERE

Contact Oliver Brothers or call us to schedulle an appointment at 617-536-2323

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